Tricky test 2 turn on the light bulb
Tricky test 2 turn on the light bulb

Tricky Test 2 Level 79: Look out for the owl on your right!.


He left a message “qazsedc” on the PC screen. Tricky Test 2 Level 78: Peter was with 6 friends before he’s murdered.Tricky Test 2 Level 77: Which egg is harder, the brown egg or the white egg?.Tricky Test 2 Level 76: Hide the elephants.Tricky Test 2 Level 75: First floor please, thank you!.Tricky Test 2 Level 74: Can you find 2 triangles in the sky?.Tricky Test 2 Level 73: Don’t let others know you got an ace!.Tricky Test 2 Level 72: Drag me into the square box.Tricky Test 2 Level 70: Move only one match to make 4 cubes into 3 cubes.Tricky Test 2 Level 69: Light up the candle.Tricky Test 2 Level 68: Hide the elephant again.Tricky Test 2 Level 67: Which light bulb has been on for more than 3 minutes?.Tricky Test 2 Level 66: Move only 2 oranges to form a square.Tricky Test 2 Level 65: Uh-oh! My clock is broken.Tricky Test 2 Level 64: Enter the biggest possible number for this calculator.Tricky Test 2 Level 63: Tap in the following order.Tricky Test 2 Level 62: Show me the card underneath this card.Tricky Test 2 Level 61: Push the button 121 times.Tricky Test 2 Level 60: Please pay exact.Tricky Test 2 Level 59: Do this (rotate).The pencil costs $1.00 more than the eraser. Tricky Test 2 Level 58: A pencil and an eraser costs $1.10 together.Tricky Test 2 Level 57: Squeeze the elephant into the car trunk.Tricky Test 2 Level 56: No smoking here!.Tricky Test 2 Level 55: Don’t let anyone around you see this card.Tricky Test 2 Level 54: Turn off the lamp again.Tricky Test 2 Level 53: 3 women each have 2 daughters are having dinner.Tricky Test 2 Level 52: Push the buttons ten times.Tricky Test 2 Level 51: Find Jack’s car key!.Tricky Test 2 Level 50: Quick, shake me!.Tricky Test 2 Level 49: Which statement here is true?.Tricky Test 2 Level 48: Which city has 3/7 of a chicken, 2/3 of a cat, and half of a goat?.Tricky Test 2 Level 47: Let’s wake Rose up!.Tricky Test 2 Level 46: Put this elephant into the fridge.Tricky Test 2 Level 45: Try to smile at the camera as wide as you can!.Tricky Test 2 Level 44: Close the window.Tricky Test 2 Level 43: Which flashlight shines the farthest?.Your fiance has hidden the engagement ring? Tricky Test 2 Level 42: You are getting engaged.Tricky Test 2 Level 41: Ewww! There is a fly on your forehead!.Tricky Test 2 Level 40: Turn off the lamp again.Tricky Test 2 Level 38: What’s the least possible number of holes for these shorts?.Tricky Test 2 Level 37: Tap the yellow button 13 times.Tricky Test 2 Level 36: Enter the smallest possible number for this calculator.Tricky Test 2 Level 35: How many dolls are there?.Tricky Test 2 Level 34: Follow the instruction on the paper.Tricky Test 2 Level 33: Complete the sentence! Do not touch here.Tricky Test 2 Level 30: If you can only move 1 match, what’s the biggest possible number?.Tricky Test 2 Level 29: Remove 8 matches to form 2 non-touching squares.Tricky Test 2 Level 28: Where is my microphone?.Tricky Test 2 Level 27: Which balloon is stronger than the rest?.Tricky Test 2 Level 26: How many owls are there?.Tricky Test 2 Level 25: URGENT! Click the green button 3 times, then the yellow button 5 times.Tricky Test 2 Level 24: Kill the Mosquito, and don’t get bitten!.Tricky Test 2 Level 23: How many holes are there?.Tricky Test 2 Level 22: Tap the boxes, from biggest to smallest.Tricky Test 2 Level 21: How many apples are there?.Tricky Test 2 Level 19: Turn on all the light bulbs on the screen.Tricky Test 2 Level 18: Quick! Who will you save?.Tricky Test 2 Level 17: Tap in the following order.Tricky Test 2 Level 16: I’m 2 years old!.Tricky Test 2 Level 15: Take everything out from the box.Tricky Test 2 Level 14: Tap number from high to low.Tricky Test 2 Level 13: Can I have some Ketchup?.Tricky Test 2 Level 12: Stop them from fighting.Tricky Test 2 Level 11: If you overtake the 3rd person in a race, which position will you be in?.Tricky Test 2 Level 10: Let’s see what you got here!.Tricky Test 2 Level 9: Find x (weights of animals).Tricky Test 2 Level 8: Catch 5 left facing mice.Tricky Test 2 Level 7: Tap the fruits, from smallest to biggest.Tricky Test 2 Level 6: Help me wake up the pig! It’s too heavy!.Tricky Test 2 Level 5: Which bear has no ear?.Tricky Test 2 Level 4: Stop Moai’s tear.Tricky Test 2 Level 3: Which is the furthest away from us?.Tricky Test 2 Level 2: How many holes are there in underwear?.Tricky Test 2 Level 1: Tap the green button 3 times.Pull the plug downward direction to see another power socket plug it into that to turn on the light bulb.

Tricky test 2 turn on the light bulb